I am happy to report this crab season has taken a turn for the better over last year. There are some great signs coming from the docks. Sunday within a few hours my dad, son and myself managed 12 nice jimmies using a hand line and chicken. My son who's 7 insisted on being the official net guy and kind of missed a few crabs.
He did though manage to bring in quite a few. It was all fun...
As we crabbed we set out a fishing line and caught a large skate that turned out to be the highlight of my son's day. He had the game face working when I handed over the rod to him. It was quite a fight to say the least.
Using a cast net we also came up with a nice supply of menhaden for our traps along with a few shrimp. The bait stayed but the shrimp came home and was tossed into the steamer during the last 2 minutes of the crabs cooking. Looking forward to more!
So yesterday the crab Guy and I decided to take a peek at the traps on an overnight set and were pleasantly surprised and happy to report we came back with 8 more blue crabs. Hopefully this is a sign of better times ahead!
This is Chris and his crab snack.